Ahriman's Deviations

Freedom Of Thinking

Jordan Maxwell – Those Who From The Heaven To Earth Came

Posted on | September 2, 2010 | No Comments

A very interesting and not at all untrue (meaning is like 95% true) vision and explanation about the Bible and secrets behind it.

Disclose.tvThose Who From Heaven To Earth Came 1 – Maxwell Video

Disclose.tvThose Who From Heaven To Earth Came 2 – Maxwell Video

Disclose.tvThose Who From Heaven To Earth Came 3 – Maxwell Video

Drunvalo Melchizedek – The Maya of Eternal Time

Posted on | August 31, 2010 | 1 Comment

Just watch and, hopefully, you’ll understand something…

Disclose.tvThe Maya Of Eternal Time – Part 1 Video

Disclose.tvThe Maya Of Eternal Time – Part 2 Video

Ahriman.eu goes multi-user…

Posted on | August 29, 2010 | No Comments

From today there will be two users which will post around here: Ahriman and Shade. Together will try to shine some light on the hidden truths of this world, will restart the “Freedom of Thinking” project and the all-new “Freedom of  Being” project!

From now on you’ll see videos and testimonials of the likes of Drunvalo Melchizedek , Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell and others, and will try to comment on everything that bothers us…

So, stick around and we’ll have some fun!

Eurosport and Europa League don’t mix…

Posted on | August 5, 2010 | 1 Comment

Europa League is on its second year of existence and still, Eurosport cannot get a good grip on the internet links and web design, giving the fact that their link on Europa League from the Football tab still gives the same shitty error:

Eurosport and Europa League

I don’t even mention that is says “uefa-cup” on the page address…

SHAME ON YOU! But, hey… you’ve been bought by Yahoo, so there is no big surprise there…

Congratulations, Canada!

Posted on | March 1, 2010 | No Comments

The Olympics are over. Wasn’t the best Winter Olympics ever, many errors and glitches but the end was awesome!

I was a supporter for the Canada Hockey team, mostly in the final. Beating USA – great feeling! Giving the fact that I have more friends in Canada than in USA, leaned the balance even more towards Canada.

The game lived up to its expectations and the ending was breath-taking!

Once again, congratulations Canada!

The way we look at women… and what we think

Posted on | January 6, 2010 | No Comments

I couldn’t sleep last night and while I was just turning from one side to another, my… imagination started wandering… and women came into mind (come on, I am a man… we think of sex more than we think of food)…

We like women… we like to look at women and think… well, that is it! What do men think when they look at a woman? Is not that complicated… men are very easy to understand beings.

How come? Well, in simplest terms… we look at a woman’s face… pretty or not pretty! Simple! Yeah, I said it! Pretty is not referred to the whole body, but mostly the face…

Neck… too long or too short…

Breasts… mhmm, how I would like to suck on those!

Waist… to thick or to thin…

Ass… how I would like to spank that!

Crotch… just get me in there!

Legs… well, on legs there could be many things… the most common thoughts are: “too long, too short, elephant legs, gazelle, just perfect, how I would like to have those wrapped around me!”…

That’s it! Told’ ya wasn’t so complicated!

Indulging… who?

Posted on | December 2, 2009 | No Comments

Is that what am I doing? I actually like this… good-for-nothing and “fuck-it all” new attitude on life? What the fuck happened with me?

Eh, who cares? Really, does anyone care? Frankly, in this “modern” society where everybody’s worried about its own ass and doesn’t really give a shit about anyone else, it would be a big surprise if someone did care about anyone else.

After a day in which I was clearly proven that my medical school was a TOTAL waste of time and in which I realised that I am not gonna achieve anything in life except… wasting time with great success… it just comes to the fact that… right now I am sitting at home, with no desire of doing anything and drinking beer in large quantities. Ain’t life great?!


Posted on | December 1, 2009 | No Comments

Great show! Great album from “Red Hot Chilli Peppers” also…

This is not what I want to write about, though… is about the spirit that emulates from that show… the idea of being… free… not totally free, of course, because that is a stupid illusion in this “modern” world; it is also a great… dream, worth fighting for (not with guns, stupid! – using your brain is better).

It is a show about the reality that we keep forcing ourselves living in and ways of escaping from it but keeping our heads above the water and try to see the important things in life, despite all obstacles!

What I like the most is that everytime I watch it, the idea of becoming a writer resparks in my soul… and also remakes me wonder: Why the FUCK are you not writing, you stupid fool?!!! Still looking for an answer on that one…

I guess is the… surrroundings… where I live you cannot be… “free” unless you have a LOT of money, so you can afford breaking the law and acting as a total fucking ass (different story… will talk about it later)… but money is an issue, not mentioning that after 60 years of communism wrongly applied (the idea was good, the way it was implemented was a different thing) it is hard to evade from those older than you and who lived in that period their all lifes… and those will be your parents and granparents…

And, to be fair, despite all bad things, this is not USA, where, if you really want it, you can actually succeed in life by using your brains. Here, if you don’t have money or string relations, you’re nobody.

Eh, let’s… drink on it and hope that the events of tomorrow will not be my last 🙂 See you soon, I hope!

Just another day in Hell…

Posted on | November 26, 2009 | No Comments

Or at my permanent home… some might say…

I cannot even remember how the day went by… just… it was morning and then… it was now, night time…

Went out for few minutes, just to shoot some pictures and to pay some bills, tried to organize my thoughts but nothing useful came out of this…

It is hard to keep up with the reality that seems to elude me faster and faster. That is not good… or maybe it is?

I guess soon I will find out… time is running out and I am tired to fight.

Friendship… at a distance

Posted on | November 25, 2009 | No Comments

Does it work? Does it keep its strength as time goes by? And what about the time-zone difference?

These are questions I sometimes ask myself, giving the fact that some of my dearest friends are situated a little bit… far away, like 7 to 8 hours distance, counted “backwards”, those hours meaning USA and Canada.

When you have a lot of spare time, you might be able to get online at their hours or they to get online in a time that is suitable for me, but what happens when this time reduces or sometimes disappears entirely? What then?

And, like in all… online relationships, is that enough? Instant messenger and web-cam? Is it possible to say after… one week of no conversation that the friendship is still as strong? How about two weeks of absence?

What can be done? Where do you draw the line between simple acquaintance and friendship? Is it necessary a meeting face to face in real life or will the bits and bytes be enough?

What do YOU think?

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