Masonry Symbols
One mason, two masons… masons everywhere! We all know that already, so here are a few masonry symbols and explanations about them offered by the mind and research of Jordan Maxwell… Enjoy! – Masonic Symbols – 1 by Jordan Maxwell Video – Masonic Symbols – 2 by Jordan Maxwell Video
The way we look at women… and what we think
I couldn’t sleep last night and while I was just turning from one side to another, my… imagination started wandering… and women came into mind (come on, I am a man… we think of sex more than we think of food)… We like women… we like to look at women and think… well, that is […]
December 1st… Anti-AIDS Day…
Briefly… 33 million people around the world are suffering from this disease… 2,7 million were newly infected in 2007… 2,0 million people died from this disease in 2007… in the meantime, the race for a vaccine is ongoing… but not very much… why? Because pharmaceutical companies make billions from the HIV/AIDS treatment… why bother with […]